C'mon, let's go:
FIGURINES (DK) "Ambush" SONDRE LERCHE (N) "Airport Taxi reception" ERLEND ROPSTAD (N) "Six months till X-mas" ISOLATION YEARS (S) "Landslide" THE PLAN (S) "Another" THEY LIVE BY NIGHT (S) "Truth or dare" THE MOONBABIES (S) "Take me to the ballroom" SISTER FLO (FIN) "My weakness" BOOKENDS (FIN) "Much loved" THE NIGHTINGALES (FIN) "Geek boogie" Album du Mois: NICOLAI DUNGER (S) "Godnatt visan: vila nu" OLGA & Co (F) "Here's the song" THE LIMES (F-USA) "Morning noon & night" MIDWEST (I) "Odd fair"
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VIVA VERTIGO (DK) "Wind full of diamonds" DEATH BY KITE (DK) "Bhf Asta" GREEN CONCORDE (DK) "Ten cities of Green Concorde" Rétromondo Avril 2002: HERMAN DÜNE (S-F) "With a tankful of gas" Rétromondo Avril 1997: PSYCHED UP JANIS (DK) "Where the lights won't shine" - Spot On...Sélection d'albums gratuits et légaux sur le net avec BILLIE THE VISION & THE DANCERS (S) "I'm Pablo" "Ask for me" DEAR EUPHORIA (S) "Awaiting" TREEBALL (FIN) "The ghost will come" SISTER FLO (FIN) "Magic" THE CARNY (S) "Let me sleep with you" - L'intrus du jour: NEIL YOUNG (CAN) "Ohio" Outro: THE HYPNOMEN (FIN) "Sadness"
La rubrique "Spot on..." du jour était consacrée aux albums (aux BONS albums...) qu'on peut télécharger gratuitement et légalement sur le net. Voici quelques liens vers les précédents posts qui vous permettront d'en profiter:
BILLIE THE VISION & THE DANCERS : "I was so unpopular at school..." + "The world according to Pablo"
DEAR EUPHORIA : "For everything of worth"
TREEBALL : "I dream of eclectic sheep"
SISTER FLO : "Boy of cat" + "Landcrabs EP"
THE CARNY : "Money make us"